During the menstrual cycle, the lining of the uterus thickens in order to get ready for fertilization. During menstruation, the body sheds off the uterus lining along with some blood contents. The amount of blood and uterus lining being taken out is normally between 4 and 12 teaspoons for every menstrual cycle. The variation of color in … Continue reading “10 Factors Behind Menstrual Period Blood Clots”
Blood clotting is a helpful normal body process when it occurs for the right reason at the right place. The presence of blood clots is beneficial only when it forms on the surface of damaged blood vessels in response to injury, with the aim to stop bleeding. What Causes Blood Clots in Lungs There are several … Continue reading “10 Signs of Blood Clot in Lung”
Platelets are small plate-shaped cellular bodies with an important role in blood coagulation. Any person who suffers from the medical condition known as thrombocytopenia displays low levels of platelets (thrombocytes) in the blood, leading to symptoms that can be really severe if not managed immediately. Now, let us look into some ways on how to increase platelets. … Continue reading “10 Ways To Increase Platelet Count”