10 Low Carb Vegetables

low carb vegetables
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For people suffering from metabolic disorders like Diabetes Mellitus Type II, a low carb diet is often recommended in order to prevent and control the increase in blood sugar levels.

While healthy individuals do not need to stick with low carbs, considering the diet (especially low carb fruits and veggies) in their nutrition plan can be beneficial for weight loss and other health advantages.

It’s not necessary to be a low carb vegetarian. If you’re into a low carbohydrate diet, knowing about the best low carb veggies to include in your meal plan is a healthy steal.


Best Low Carb Vegetables

Below is a list of low carb vegetables readily available almost anywhere that you can use for any low carb vegetable recipes you may want to prepare.

1. Green-leafy vegetables

Green-leafy vegetables
Unlike starchy vegetables such as legumes, beans and yucca, green-leafy vegetables are high in fiber and very low in carbohydrates.

Leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce are among the lowest carb vegetables that generally contain a net carbohydrate content of only 0.1-0.2 grams per cup.

Remember that you can get the most out of these vegetables when you eat them fresh.

2. Cauliflower

Lovers of high-carb foods like mashed potato and creamy soups can now enjoy the same delicious taste by replacing with low carb cauliflower.

Cauliflower, one of the best low starch vegetables, yields only a net content of 5-gram carbohydrate for every cup.

Aside from being a delectable low carb vegetable, cauliflower is also rich in antioxidants which can help prevent cancer development.

3. Zucchini

Harboring a lot of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B6 and potassium, zucchini is one of the best low carb vegetables that must be included in a low carb diet.

Zucchini can serve as a replacement for potatoes when making hash browns and can be cooked in many ways.

It only contains 7 grams of carbohydrate per medium-sized squash.

4. Cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes
Overflowing in lycopene, a well-known antioxidant, cherry tomatoes are a low carbohydrate vegetable with several other potential health benefits.

Cherry tomatoes can be eaten raw and enjoyed as a snack among low carb dieters.

A cup of cherry tomatoes only contain net vegetable carbs amounting to 6 grams.

5. Cucumber

Besides being one of the best low sugar vegetables, cucumber is well-known in terms of fiber content and rehydration effects.

Only a few, however, knows that this vegetable is also low in carbohydrates and is highly recommended to be included in a low carb diet.

Cucumber only contains 2 grams of carbohydrates per half cup.

6. Bell pepper – a low carb chili

Bell pepper
Another fiber-rich vegetable that is also low in carbohydrate content is bell pepper.

Bell pepper is an important additive to several dishes due to its unique crisp and taste.

This vegetable only has a net carbohydrate content of 9 grams per cup.

7. Kale

Health-conscious individuals commonly makes use of Kale.

If you are a low carb dieter, you should also include Kale among your vegetable options.

Kale contains 7 grams of carbohydrates per cup and is very rich in fiber, carotene antioxidants and vitamin K.

8. Okra

Another among vegetables low in carbs that is a good source of essential body minerals. It is rich in potassium and magnesium.

Okra is generally important in a balanced diet meal. It is, however, specifically significant for a low carb diet plan as it contains only 2 grams per half cup.

9. Carrots

Unlike potatoes and other root crops, carrots yield only a net carbohydrate content of 4 grams per half cup.

If you are a carrot lover who is into low carbs, this is good news.

10. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are packed with several phytonutrients along with essential vitamins and minerals.

It is also a good vegetable option for low carb diet as it contains only 3.5 grams for every half cup.

Key Takeaway:

If you’re looking for vegetables with no carbs then that would be a problem. No carb vegetables simply isn’t readily available. However, there are vegetables with almost zero carbohydrates like radishes, celery, alfalfa sprouts, parsley and chives.

Low carbohydrate vegetables contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals essential for bodily processes.

It’s now the best time to start considering low carb fruits and vegetables to include in your diet for a healthier body. You don’t have to be a low carb vegan to get started!

Read about low carb fruits.

If you love potatoes but hate the carbs, below is a trick to reduce ’em.

How To Make Low Carb Potatoes

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6 thoughts on “10 Low Carb Vegetables”

  1. Amit Chavan says:

    Very nice list for low carb vegetables. Thanks

  2. Harold Burton says:

    Honestly I don’t think I could live without having both gray days and sunny ones! California has had a long, rainy winter so I am definitely looking forward to sunshine. However, once we start hitting 90 degrees in the summer months, I will be looking forward to that rain again! Things I am also looking forward to this –> making this frittata!

  3. Joseph Donahue says:

    I get a lot of pleasure just looking at all your lovely photos. BTW, I love grey and cloudy days. Being from the Puget Sound area of Washington State, I miss them down here in the Valley of the Sun. We love rain when it comes and the overcast makes it cozy staying inside and fiddling around with reading, cooking and just being here.

  4. Kelly Hubbard says:

    This looks awesome! I make your sweet potato, black bean, and feta frittata all the time and also use it as a base for my own creations – so I’m excited to try this as well.
    For the reader saying this is not low calorie, I guess it all depends on your definition – I calculate this at around 220 calories / serving if divided into 6 portions, which sounds pretty light to me. I usually serve frittatas like this for dinner with some green salad, though potatoes or toast is nice if you want some carbs.

  5. Holly Hooper says:

    I’d love to try to recreate some of their recipes! They look delicious!

  6. Paul Brown says:

    Cheese has always been a part of my food plan. Versatile, low cost, this protein source lends itself to endless dishes, hot or cold. I would love to win the Cabot cheeses.

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