Low Carb Fruits

10 Low Carb Fruits

There is no doubt that forbidden foods are often the sweetest and most delicious. And for people who want to lose weight by cutting their cab intake, this expression takes on a literal meaning. Nevertheless, getting enough fruits every day can be a challenge for some people. But research shows that fruits can help minimize … Continue reading “10 Low Carb Fruits”

10 Ezekiel Bread Essentials

What is Ezekiel Bread In recent years, there have been many arguments about the regular bread being an unhealthy food because of its high carbohydrate and sugar content. Ezekiel Bread came out to actually be the better option especially for people who are planning to rule out ordinary wheat bread from their diets. It is made from various … Continue reading “10 Ezekiel Bread Essentials”

soluble fiber foods

10 Soluble Fiber Foods

Dietary fiber is an important part of a balanced, healthy diet. You can find fibers in a variety of food sources, though there are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble and soluble fibers. Insoluble fibers doesn’t absorb water, while soluble fibers absorb waters as it slows digestion. Both types of fibers have shown to reduce cholesterol and the … Continue reading “10 Soluble Fiber Foods”

vegetables high in iron

10 Vegetables High In Iron

Iron is a mineral that is very essential to the body. It is used in the transportation of oxygen to all body parts. A deficiency of iron can cause organ failure as well as making the person more susceptible to infections and illnesses. There exists two (2) types of iron: non-heme iron which is from … Continue reading “10 Vegetables High In Iron”

best recipes for diabetics

10 Best Recipes For Diabetics

Diabetes has been ranked as one among the top killer diseases of modern times. What is more surprising about the condition is for it being ranked as deadlier in comparison to diseases like aids and cancer, despite the fact that it is more manageable than the rest of them that is in the list.