10 Causes of High Platelet Count

10 Causes of High Platelet Count

High Platelet Count Platelets are small, oval/spherical component of the blood that don’t have its own nucleus. These small fragments are produced in the bone marrow and plays a very important part in blood clotting. Normal levels of platelets in the blood is about 150-450×109 / L of blood. There are several factors that influence platelet life span but normally goes for … Continue reading “10 Causes of High Platelet Count”

10 Causes of Low Platelets

10 Causes of Low Platelets

Platelets or thrombocyte cell fragments are characterized as small oval, spherical blood component with no nucleus, formed in the bone marrow and play a role in blood coagulation. The normal quantity of platelets in the blood is about 150-450×109 / L of blood. The lifetime of platelets is 7-10 days. The blood component is degraded … Continue reading “10 Causes of Low Platelets”

10 Ways To Donate Platelets For Money

10 Ways To Donate Platelets For Money

There are many reasons why a person may decide to donate blood or one of its components. It can be for helping out someone in need, a dying patient, or simply to make money.

Process of Platelet Formation

10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan To Support Platelet Formation

Platelets are one of the many key components of the blood necessary for normal functioning of the body. It is a highly significant constituent in the control of bleeding and prevention of the loss of blood which is only possible with platelet plug formation and blood clotting.